Re: Families of Saxby-All-Saints, Lincolnshire

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Abgeschickt von Michelle Myers am 19 Februar, 2003 um 18:14:56

Antwort auf: Families of Saxby-All-Saints, Lincolnshire von Kevin Roy Shucksmith am 28 Juli, 2002 um 07:45:08:

Could you do me the most enormous favor? My grandparents, Ernest and Annie Wood are buried in the churchyard annex. I am putting together the family tree over here in New York. No-one is still alive who remembers Ernest Wood's date of death and his age when he died. Could you look at the gravestone for me and e-mail me the answer. Incidentally, I happen to think Saxby is just about the prettiest of the villages and I spent many happy holidays there. Thank you in advance!


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